
Despre Convergenta constiinta - Un ciclu de unime (limba roomana) cititi la adresa ... http://eusuntcelcesunt.blogspot.com/2010/03/convergenta-constiinta-un-ciclu-de.html
Programul pentru 17 - 18 iulie 2010
Valul Unimii Sursa:http://www.mayanmajix.com/cc_event.pdf
Misiunea Convergentei Constiente este sa reuneasca oamenii care nutrescintentia comuna de a atinge o masa critica de energie armonioasa, care sasustina reconcilierea launtrica si cea exterioara. Ne reunim, in spiritulunitatii, ca sa vindecam ranile ce ne separa, ca sa aplanam conflictele cene divid, ca sa insufletim idei si actiuni care sa exprime unimea noastra,ca sa ne reunim in inima si minte, pentru a intampina cu bucurie nastereaunei noi lumi. Un val de unime creste, pe masura ce ne apropiem de ziua CeremonieiConvergentei Constiente, din 17 si 18 iulie. Acest weekend va reprezentaconvergenta si punctul de lansare pentru exprimarea constiintei unimii inlunile şi anii ce urmeaza, pe masura ce intampinam in mod pro-activ, si neco-creem noua lume. Sunteti bineveniti sa participati la urmatoarele Transmisii planetare peWeb:
CEREMONIA DE DESCHIDERE incepe cu un proces de curatare si purificare: Sambata, 17 iulie 2010 Un program de 2 ore, care incepe la 7 dimineata (Ora Pacificului), la 16:00 in Europa Centrala, la 23:00 in Tokio. Acest program se va concentra pe eliberare, purificare, iertare, detasare de ce e invechit, intampinarea aceea ce e nou si demararea unui nou inceput, intemeiat pe constiita unimii.
CEREMONIA ARBORELUI VIETII: o invitatie energica pentru armonie si unitate in Arborele Vietii Duminica, 18 Iulie 2010
Un program de 2 ore, incepand la 7 a.m. (Ora Pacificului), la 16:00 in Europa centrala, la 23:00 in Tokyo. Acest program se va concentra pe renasterea noastra in constiinta unimii, activand la nivel colectiv Arborele Cosmic al Vietii, eveniment la care participa oameni din cele 4 colturi alePamantului. Activitatile ceremoniei vor include conectarea cu elementele, cu cele 4 directii, o meditatie planetara, tacere si procese puternice de stabilire a intentiei.
Informatii suplimentare privind programul Convergentei Constiente sunt oferite membrilor pe pagina noastra gratuita Announcement List Convergenta Constienta este o activitate de colaborare la nivel planetar a indivizilor si organizatiilor, al caror tel este sa stabileasca intentia pentru, si sa demonstreze infaptuirea constiintei unimii, atat la nivel individual cat si in cadrul comunitatilor din intreaga lume. Toate traditiile de intelepciune si credinta sunt invitate sa se alature si sa contribuie la exprimarea modului in care noi, ca specie aflata in evolutie, putem transcende granitele si ideologiile depasite, pentru a putea implini un destin cu mult mai maret decat ne-ar putea indica istoria.
ARBORELE COSMIC AL VIETII, de Carl Calleman Ceremonia pentru re-crearea Arborelui Cosmic al Vietii: aproape in mod universal, culturile stravechi de pe planeta noastra au respectat cele Patru Directii Sacre. Un exemplu bine cunoscut il constituie ceremonialul Medicine Wheel (instrument de ceremonial reprezentat de un cerc sacru; N.tr.), practicat de indienii nativi din America de Nord, in timp ce conceptul celor patru ingeri pazitori ai celor patru directii cardinale era impartasit de exemplu, de traditia chineza, budista si iudeo-crestina. Arborele Vietii (Axa Polara) era adesea vazut drept centrul si obarsia diferitelor energii ale celor patru directii, fiind profund legat de constiinta planetei noastre si de evolutia ei. La Convergenta Constienta, oamenii se vor reuni, printre multe alte locuri, in Vest (Inteleptii mayasi), in Nord (Scandinavia), in Est (Singapore si Bali, Convergenta chinezo-hindusa) si in Sud (Africa de Sud, inclusiv reprezentanti ai poporului San - cea mai veche cultura de pe planeta), in actiuni practice ce asigura cadrul general pentru ceremoniile planetare, care sa cinsteasca cele patru directii. Cat timp oamenii se vor reuni in cateva locatii din Hawai, inca mai asteptam participanti in Gabon sau in alte zone din Africa Centrala. Prin reuniunile oamenilor in cele patru directii, Convergenta Constienta ofera posibilitatea conectarii cu celelalte ceremonii (ce au loc in toate cele patru directii), ca pe o modalitate de a readuce la viata Arborele Vietii. Avand la baza intentia de a demonstra constiinta unimii, ar trebui ca pretutindeni, meditatia sa constituie o parte din Convergenta Constienta, participantii intreband Divinitatea (inteligenta mai inalta):
"Ce trebuie safac ca sa contribui la manifestarea constiintei unimii?", sau " Ce pot face ca sa slujesc la materializarea planului cosmic?"
Convergenta Constienta este doar inceputul, iar cei care-si stabilesc intentia ar trebui ca, dupa acest eveniment, sa-si puna zi de zi aceste intrebari si sa actioneze in concordanta cu raspunsurile pe care le primesc. Convergenta Constienta este ca o tabara de baza pentru aceia care aleg ca, in timpurile ce urmeaza, sa devina co-creatori ai planului cosmic. Acest lucru se va intampla in rezonanta cu Arborela Cosmic al Vietii. Cereti si vi se va da, insa trebuie ca noi sa cerem o transformare in directia constiintei unimii, ca sa o vedem infaptuindu-se. Intentia Comuna a Convergentei Constiente:
"Eu, ca fiinta suverana, ma unesc cu Tot Ceea Ce Este pentru a invoca prezenta echilibrului si a unitatii, din mine si din lumea noastra. Eu sunt prezenta constienta a armoniei si reconcilierii, si sunt recunoscator pentru intregirea pe care o aduc in fiecare clipa. Si asa sa fie."
Aceasta colaborare planetara ne pregateste pentru al Noualea Val de evolutie a constiintei, dupa cum arata Calendarul Mayas, un sistem dezvoltat de o civilizatie straveche si respectata. Inteleptii mayasi ne invita sa ne aliniem cu planul divin privind cea mai grandioasa realizare a omenirii, si sa recunoastem faptul ca "suntem una cu totii, asemenea degetelor de la mana" - Marele Intelept Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj , "Lupul Hoinar".
La nivel local si planetar, activitatile de stabilire a intentiei, meditatiile si rugaciunile vor fi sincronizate in lunile ce preced si urmeaza programului principal, din 17 si 18 iulie 2010. Dicutii insufletite despre Convergenta Constienta se desfasoara pe Forum. Despre PASIUNEA COMUNA Pasiunea Comuna este o lucrare de cooperare sociala la nivel planetar a indivizilor si comunitatilor care impartasesc compasiunea, ca pe o pasiune comuna. Misiunea lor este sa creeze armonie la nivel social si de mediu inconjurator, prin actiuni de constiinta colectivă bazate pe stiinta. Pasiunea Comuna primeste persoane si organizatii din toate domeniile vietii, care sa ne ajute sa ne indeplinim viziunea comuna. Pentru mai multeinfomatii vizitati: : http://commonpassion.org/
Traducere de Diana Stefani www.nlpedgenow.com
Preluat de la ... www.editura-foryou.ro
English version
The Conscious Convergence mission is to bring people together with the shared intention of cultivating a critical mass of harmonious energy that supports inner and outer reconciliation. We come together in the spirit of unity to heal wounds that separate us, to reconcile conflicts that divide us, to inspire ideas and actions that express our oneness, and to join together in heart and mind to welcome the birth of our new world.
A wave of unity is growing as we approach the Conscious Convergence Ceremony on July 17th and 18th. This weekend is the convergence and launching point for unity consciousness to be expressed in the coming months and years as we proactively welcome and co-create our new world. Please join us on these upcoming Global Tele-Webcasts:
THE OPENING CEREMONY begins with a cleansing and purification:
Saturday July 17, 2010
A 2-hour program starting at 7 am Pacific Time, 16:00 Central European time, 23:00 Tokyo Time. This program will focus on release, purification, forgiveness, letting go of the old, welcoming the new, and starting a new beginning based on a consciousness of unity.
JOIN: The Conscious Convergence group and RSVP to this event HERE.
THE TREE OF LIFE CEREMONY: an active invitation for harmony and unity in the Tree of Life.
Sunday July 18, 2010
A 2-hour program starting at 7 am Pacific Time, 16:00 Central European time, 23:00 Tokyo Time. This program will focus on renewing ourselves in the consciousness of unity and consciously, collectively activating the Global Tree of Life, with participants covering the four corners of the earth. Ceremonial activities will include the joining with the elements, the four directions, a global meditation, silence, and powerful intention-setting processes.
JOIN: The Conscious Convergence group and RSVP to this event HERE.
Please visit The Conscious Convergence Group page to view the many unique events that are being organized around the world for this program. Once you have joined the group, you can create a sub-group to list your own events, which will post in the main group page as well as on the Common Passion events page. Further details for The Conscious Convergence program are provided to members on our free Announcement List
The Conscious Convergence is a global collaborative of individuals and organizations whose purpose is to set the intention for, and to demonstrate the fulfillment of, unity consciousness, both individually and within communities around the world. All wisdom and faith traditions are invited to join and help express how we, as an evolving species, can transcend age-old boundaries and ideologies to fulfill a greater destiny than our history may imply.
Ceremony to recreate the Global Tree of Life: The ancient cultures of our planet almost universally honored the four Sacred Directions. A well-known example is the Medicine Wheel of the North American Indians, and the concept of guardian angels in the four cardinal directions was shared for instance by Chinese, Buddhist and Judaeo-Christian traditions. The Tree of Life (Polar Axis) was often seen as the center and originator of the different energies of the four directions and is profoundly related to the consciousness of our planet and its evolution. As part of the Conscious Convergence people will be gathering, among many other places in the West (Mayan elders), the North (Scandinavia), the East (Singapore and Bali, Chinese-Hindu Convergence) and the South (South Africa, including representatives of the San people, the oldest culture of our planet) in practice providing the framework for global ceremonies honoring the four directions. While people will be gathering in several locations in Hawaii, we are still looking for participation in Gabon or elsewhere in Central Africa. Through the gatherings of people in the four directions the Conscious Convergence is offering the possibility of connecting to other ceremonies taking place in the four directions as a means for the Tree of Life to again come alive.
Based on the intention to manifest unity consciousness a meditation should everywhere be part of the Conscious Convergence where the participants ask the divine (higher intelligence): "What shall I do in order to help manifest unity consciousness?" or "What can I do to serve the manifestation of the cosmic plan?" The Conscious Convergence is only the beginning and those setting the intention should then following this event on a daily basis ask these questions and take actions in accordance with the answers they receive. The Conscious Convergence is like a base camp for those that in the time ahead chose to become co-creators with the cosmic plan. This will happen in resonance with the global tree of life. Ask and it shall be given, but we have to ask for a transformation to unity consciousness to see it happen.
The Conscious Convergence Shared Intention:
"I, as a sovereign being, join together with All That Is to call forth the presence of balance and unity within me and in our world. I am the conscious presence of harmony and reconciliation and I am grateful for the wholeness I bring forth in this and every moment. And so it is."
This global collaborative prepares us for the Ninth Wave of evolution of consciousness as indicated by the Mayan Calendar, a system developed by a respected, ancient civilization. Mayan elders invite us to align with the divine plan for humanity’s greater fulfillment, to recognize that "we are one like the fingers of one hand." -- Grand Elder Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, "Wandering Wolf"
Local and global intention-setting activities, meditations and prayers will be synchronized throughout the months leading up to and following the main program on July 17th and 18th, 2010.
A lively discussion on The Conscious Convergence is happening in the Forum.
Common Passion is a global social collaborative of individual and communities who share compassion as a common passion. Their mission is to create social and environmental harmony through science-based applications of collective consciousness. Common Passion welcomes people and organizations from all walks of life to help us realize our common vision. For more information, visit: http://commonpassion.org/
Informatie primita de la ... http://www.mayanmajix.com/cc_event.pdf