duminică, 20 noiembrie 2011

28 Noiembrie Comemorare Arsenie Boca

In Memoriam ARSENIE BOCA 28 Noiembrie

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joi, 10 noiembrie 2011

11/11/11 Children of the Sun - Tititcaca - Peru



Lake Titicaca Stargate Crossing

November 11, 2011

11:11 pm Peru

world clock conversion


A Transmission of Sacred Fire Love from Sanat Kumara and Planet Venus

Raising the Children of the Sun Group Merkaba

through the Lake Titicaca Solar Helix Disc



Transmission Audio Support
DOWNLOAD MP3 HERE (Right click this link then save as...)

This may be used during transmission or in preparation of the journey.
For those without mp3 players, you may live stream from our You Tube Channel.


I invite all Children of the Sun to join me in this brilliant
passage through the Stargate of our Group Soul. This will be
the grandest transmission ever, guaranteed! Try to make it
on time.
Wear your seamless garment and bring your LOVE.

Tiara Kumara


Children of the Sun Foundation invites you to a very powerful 11:11:11 live transmission taking place at 11:11 p.m. Peruvian time on the inner planes of consciousness. This is the culminating moment to our Rites of Passage, the firing of the Crystalline Grid and all of the grand momentum from live events around the world celebrating Unity Consciousness.

This transmission comes to us through the magnetic radiation of Sanat Kumara and planet Venus, the Love Star and guardian of our planet. This is received on the inner planes of consciousness while in our sacred meditative space.

During the Peruvian time of 11:11 pm on November 11, 2011, a planetary energy transference is initiated through the human form of Tiara Kumara, supported by the Children of the Sun group forcefield. Transformational ascension codes of light will be directly transferred to all who are in group formation with Children of the Sun, catalyzing a tremendous raising of our Group Avatar.

Tiara Kumara, Facilitator

Tiara is the accomplished founder of Children of the Sun ascension platform with responsibility for its piloted course through time. She initiated and has directed the Planetary Grid Project and its pivotal new and full moon transmissions over the last several years; greatly assisting to build the global unity consciousness field of light servers around the planet. Her lifestream is dedicated as a code carrier and Venus portal upon the Earth, focusing in union with the mission of the Kumaras from Venus and the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy.

With a mission to guide all Children of the Sun through the Stargate, Tiara is transmitting from deep in the Peruvian Amazon Jungle after just spending pivotal time in the Lake Titicaca portal receiving key codes and preparing the field for our Stargate Crossing.

Overview of our 11:11:11 Venus Transmission:

Through our ablities in consciousness projection, we are gathering at the Ascension Seat at the Earth Core, building an ascending vortex of energy, and then invoking the full action of Solar Grid’s pulsations of love throughout the entire planet. We invoke the 11:11:11 ascension codes into full activation, from the 12 primary helixes of the Golden Solar Discs around the planet.

All focus is upon our inner Sun Presence, connecting into and out of our Sun Center while unifying all continents, oceans and planetary energy into our Group Merkaba and bringing all lifestreams with us as we spiral up and through the Rainbow Bridge.

We are unifying all of our earth body chakras into one spherical vortex field while receiving the complete activation of our 5th dimensional axiatonal system, including the greater opening of our Alpha and Omega energy portals, enabling real time dimensional passage.

This catalyzes an internal pole shift with potential for the nervous system to be recalibrated to the 5th dimensional frequency of the Earth and enabling us to perceive beyond our electromagnetic forms. We therefore integrate a multidimensional consciousness that can traverse both time-space and space-time.

Once we build the Ascension Merkaba at the Earth core and receive all of the key codes and light body activations… we finally travel up through the portal and emerge through to Lake Titicaca and its Solar Disc… our Group Body being held within a cohered field of Divine Love through the magnetic pull of the orbit of Venus.


duminică, 6 noiembrie 2011

11/11/11 Momentul Cosmic este acum - Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The Cosmic Moment Is NOW!

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles


November 1, 2011


The Company of Heaven is asking people everywhere on the planet to invoke their I AM Presence and to expand their Heart Flames for eleven minutes, from 11:00 to 11:11 a.m, in their local time zone. Through this focus of unified consciousness a portal of Light will be opened in each vicinity. Then the unfathomable influx of Divine Light from 11-11-11 will flow into the Crystal Grid System through these portals. The energy, vibration, and consciousness of every particle of Life on Earth will be raised the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow.

Compania Cerului cere oamenilor de pretutindeni de pe planetă sa invoce Prezenta lor EU SUNT pentru a-şi extinde Flacarile Inimii lor timp de unsprezece minute, 11:00 - 11:11, în zona lor, ora locală. Prin această concentrare a constiintei unificate, un portal de Lumina va fi deschis în fiecare vecinătate. Apoi afluxul impenetrabil al Luminii Divine din 11-11-11 va curge în reţeaua cristalina prin aceste portaluri. Eenergia, vibratia si constiinta fiecarei particule de viaţă de pe Pământ va fi ridicată la maximul pe care Legea Cosmica le va permite.

The entire article and other information here (Intreg articolul si alte informatii) http://www.eraofpeace.org/latest-news.php

vineri, 4 noiembrie 2011

11/11/11 Tone for Global Harmonization - Jonathan Goldman

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Sound For Planetary Peace

Join Us in the Temple Of Sacred Sound

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Temple of Sacred Sound - Small Dear Sound Friends:

On Friday, November 11th, there is a unique time sequence occurring. As many of you know, at 11 minutes past 11 o'clock on this day it will be 11:11 on 11.11.11. This seems to be an extraordinary numeric event that many perceive has great significance as a potential cosmic portal for great shift and change.

No one really knows what this means or if indeed there is any significance to it--perhaps it is simply a unique chronological and numerological experience. Or perhaps, as some suggest, it marks the beginning of a unique evolutionary landmark. Rather than add more speculation about what it means, perhaps it is best that we go within, open our hearts and find the meaning of this event for ourselves.

I'd like to suggest that if it resonates with you, we take this unique time signature as an opportunity for Global Harmonization--to project Light & Love through Sound for planetary peace and healing. At around 11:00 that day (either AM or PM), go to to the "AH Toning Chamber" at templeofsacred sound and sound along with others for the purpose of helping to bring balance and harmony to our beloved Earth..

There's all sorts of activities planned for 11.11.11 that are happening throughout our planet with all different focuses--most associated with some sort of evolutionary ascension. Perhaps you are planning to take part in one yourself.

Here in Boulder, we're doing a workshop to celebrate this event, scheduled to be sounding the Divine Name on 11.11.11 . At 11:11 AM Mountain time, (at during any 11:11 time throughout the planet) you are invited to etherically join us, letting the energy of love and compassion ring out throughout our beloved Gaia via sounding at the templeofsacredsound,

111111 Many of you have seen this video "How the 11.11.11 Becomes the Divine Name" on YouTube. I personally make not statement about what this means. Is there a specific code or other significiant aspect with regard to this phenomenon? Once again, we need to go within to decide. It is nevertheless quite interesting and I am very glad that so many of your have resonated with this video. At the very least, I trust that this unique time signature presents an opportunity for those of us into sound to tone together via the Temple of Sacred Sound in order to utilize the power of our consciousness and love coupled with sacred sound to help assist the vibrational shifts on our beloved planet.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email. Let's resonate together at 11:11 on 11.11.11 at www.templeofsacredsound.org

Blessings of Light & Love through Sound,

Jonathan Goldman

Contact Information
phone: 303-443-8181

11/11/11 Do As One (live)

Pe data de 11/11/11 conecteaza-te (live) cu alti oameni in camera de respiratie constienta aici ... http://www.doasone.com/

11:11:11 Gateway Ceremony with 13 Mayan Elders and the 13 Crystal Skulls at Crystal Skull Conference in Los Angeles

More info here


11/11/11 Children of the Sun Foundation, The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network

  • Children of the Sun

FIRE THE GRID and more 11:11:11 Support Print E-mail




In the building momentum to the 11:11:11, the primary role of Children of the Sun is to prepare and build the Grid field into its highest amplifying potential for the 11-11-11 firing. Our planetary service activity is EVERY DAY.

The portal energies are arriving now and the big window of dimensional passage is November 8-14.

  • Daily November 6-10

The Final and 7th Rite of Passage: The Rite of Group Consciousness actualizing the I AM Group Avatar Body. With daily planetary service transmitting from the Americas

  • Full Moon, November 10

Fire the Grid!
Planetary Grid Transmissions
With planetary Service transmitting from the Americas

As Divine Orchestration would have it, we have a full moon on November 10, one day prior to 11-11-11. We will FIRE THE GRID in one more big wave.

Our unified focus placed upon Humanity's Fall from Grace. We are focusing upon the complete transmutation of its etheric record by eradicating this timeline all together and from Earth's blueprint and her beloved children... FOREVER.

The global momentum of this cleansing is centered in the Americas as we pour the cosmic fire through the Grid to illumine the hearts and minds of our family in North America, Central America and South America.

The Eagle and the Condor fly in tandem once again as all of the Americas are reborn as ONE united continent. We are flying together as one global family-- wing to wing -- through the Crystalline Grid.

Our mission is to visit all of the Sacred Sites throughout the Americas while cleansing the ley-lines and vortex fields with the greatest saturation of the Sacred Fire so that the Grid field can activate to its highest potential during the November 11 Cosmic Moment.



Further 11:11:11 Support:

11:11:11 Oracle Vision
Tiara Kumara, Children of the Sun Foundation
Link to article

11:11:11 Stargate Activation of Divine Love
Anrita Melchizedek, The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network
Link to article

11:11:11 Message from the Pleiadian Council of Light
Solara An-Ra Meditations and Mudras
At our You Tube Portal for 11:11:11

11:11:11 Invocation
Anrita Melchizedek, The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network
At our You Tube Portal for 11:11:11

11:11:11 EVENTS:

Check out our 11:11:11 YOU TUBE CHANNEL for Live Coverage

Titicaca: Children of the Sun's Stargate Crossing audio MP3
Tiara Kumara, Children of the Sun
MP3 Download
Back up link to You Tube and for live stream

Live Message for the 11.11.11 from the Councils of Light
through Solara An-Ra

Sedona City of Light Activation
Anrita Melchizedek, The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network

11/11/11 Carson Valley Arcturian Conference

Groupofforty Header

The Planetary City of Light, Carson Valley, Presents the 16th Annual Arcturian Conference on 11/11/11

The 16th annual Arcturian conference will be held at Carson Valley Inn, near Reno, Nevada. The conference will take place on November 10th, 11th and 12th with a tipi healing ceremony on the 13th. Carson Valley is a Planetary City of Light, and we are excited to hold our annual meeting in that beautiful area. The theme of the meeting will be, “2011: The Year of the Planetary Healer”. On the Sunday following the workshop, David will be doing a special tipi healing ceremony at the Inn. The focus will be on personal healing.

David and Gudrun Miller will be presenting the workshop. A special presentation will be given by planetary communicator, Mountain Eagle.

The 11/11/11 is a very powerful time, especially for starseeds and lightworkers. We hope you join us to participate in this important biorelativity work. When we are together doing this work, it will be an uplifting and healing for you, the planet and humanity.

The reservation number for Carson Valley Inn is (800) 3216983. More information will follow.



11/11/11 Seattle (USA) Hathori, Tom Kenyon

Transmisiuni de Lumina

Meditatia mondiala din 11.11.11

Date si ore

Meditatia Mondiala concreta se va desfasura de la 9 pm pana la 10 pm, în data de 11 noiembrie, dupa fusul orar PST. (Nota: Asta inseamna intervalul 5 am – 6 am, sambata, 12 noiembrie, GMT.) [Pentru Romania, intervalul este 7 am – 8 am, sambata, 12 noiembrie, GMT+2h. N.tr.)

Mai multe informatii aici ... http://eusuntsuveranavatarimpersonal.blogspot.com/2011/10/mesaj-planetar-din-partea-hathorilor.html

11/11/11 ora 11:11 Mexic (Solara)

11/11/11 and 11:11

We are drawing close to the momentous date of November 11, 2011 or 11/11/11.

This was the date when we assumed that the 11:11 Doorway would close. However, it has become increasingly clear that the 11:11 Doorway will not close on that date, nor will it close in the near future. This doesn't mean that there will be more 11:11 Gate Activations after the final activation of the Eleventh Gate in 2012. But it does mean that we are given more time to make the complete shift from the old Template of Duality into the Template of Oneness.

There will be no 11:11 Gate Activation on 11/11/11 since so many different "11:11" events are scheduled for that day. This would make the energies scattered, rather than focused. Instead, we have received a very strong vision of what we are meant to do on that day.

We are to sit as Silent Watchers all over the world on 11/11/11, in groups large and small. The Silent Watchers are vast beings who hold the Worlds within Worlds into balance and maintain the interweaving of the grids in multiverses. They moved into position right before the creation of Time to serve as stabilization pinions for this dimensional universe.

The Silent Watchers are not separate from us. We are both physical beings and Silent Watchers. They are simply a part of the vastness of our infinite beings. Silent Watchers see and feel everything. When disturbances occur in the Worlds within Worlds, they expand the grids so that everything can move freely into their new positions within a totally New Paradigm. They observe everything with neutrality and immense love and don't try to change anything, yet by embodying PURE HEART TRUE LOVE and strengthening the resonance of Trueness, they emanate a powerful stabilizing influence.

Here is a video demonstration of the Silent Watchers.

There are four key parts of the Silent Watcher practice.

1. RISING INTO THE VASTNESS of the Silent Watcher Position
This is where we obtain a vaster perspective of the Worlds within Worlds.

We emanate the knowingness that ALL IS WELL, despite all outer appearances.

We embody PURE HEART TRUE LOVE, radiating it to all the Worlds within Worlds.

We strengthen the resonance of Trueness and call forth the True Ones in all the Worlds within Worlds.

On November 11th, if possible, try to go to a sacred place in your area. When we get into position, we will make the 11:11 Mudras to align ourselves.

Here is a video demonstration of the 11:11 Mudras.

Then we will sit as Silent Watchers. After we have finished, we expand outwards and create two circles. Each circle will move in the opposite direction. This is where we should be at 11:11 am Greenwich Mean Time. Then the inner circle will step outwards to join the outer circle and we will once again sit as Silent Watchers. Next, we expand outwards and create two new circles, each moving in the opposite direction. This will be done a total of four times, each time expanding outwards.

Your group can create the steps of your circles. They may be the same movements each time, or they may be different steps.

After we finish sitting for the fifth time as Silent Watchers, we can share our experiences with each other. If you would like to email them to us at anchors@nvisible.com, we will share them on this website.


We sit as Silent Watchers in a huge circle all over the planet. Then we will expand outwards and create two circles, leaving an open space in the center. Each circle dances in the opposite direction. At 11:11 am Greenwich Mean Time, a massive cylinder will enter the planet into the center of our circle. This cylinder will go deep into the Earth until it is half into the ground and half above the ground. While this happens, the circles will continue to turn.

Then we will repeat this process three more times, each time expanding our circle.

This will completely RESET ALL THAT WE KNOW into the resonance of Trueness. It will also keep the 11:11 Doorway open for more people to pass through it into the Ultra Greater Reality. Never before has such an unified action on this scale been performed. It will have a profound effect on this planet and far beyond.


Anyone can create a Silent Watcher Group for this momentous occasion. We are also going to have some public Silent Watcher Groups in various countries led by our 11:11 Workshop Facilitators. There will be a list of Groups on this website. However, you do not need to be in a Group to participate. It can be done wherever you are. The important component is that we all do this at the same time, 11:11 am Greenwich Mean Time. This is when the cylinder will enter the planet.


Find out how Nov 11, 2011 11:11 am Greenwich Mean Time (GMT or UTC) corresponds to the time in your area.

Registration Form for Silent Watcher Groups

List of Silent Watcher Groups