joi, 27 octombrie 2011

28 10 2011 Finalizarea celor 9 Valuri din Calendarul Maya = Conştientă Co-crearea şi Unitate

Mayan Majix - Announcements

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October 28 , 2011

13 - Sun (Ahau)

Completion of all 9 Waves of the Mayan Calendar = Conscious Co-creation and Unity

Completion of the Mayan Calendar

We are the Ones

"There is a river flowing now very fast.

It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.

They will try to hold on to the shore.

They will feel they are torn apart and will suffer greatly.

"Know the river has its destination.

The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river,
keep our eyes open, and our heads above water.

And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate.

At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, Least of all ourselves.

For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

"The time for the lone wolf is over.

Gather yourselves! Banish the word struggle from you attitude and your vocabulary.

All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

"We are the ones we've been waiting for."



miercuri, 26 octombrie 2011

28 10 2011 Celebrarea sfarsitului calendarului mayas - live

Mayan Majix - Announcements

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October 26 , 2011

11 - Flint (Etznab)

Day 7 of the Universal Cycle - view detailed chart or view 9 Step Creation Cycles Chart for general info.

1) Celebrate the End of the Mayan calendar

Breathe As One Event
October 28, 2011

12-3 PM Pacific Time zone. Check here for your local time.

"Tree of Life Celebration and Do As One invite you to a global celebration of breath for the end of the ninth wave of unity consciousness on Oct. 28, 2011. Please come and share breath with us on Friday as we anchor in the energies of unity consciousness."

luni, 24 octombrie 2011

Darul arhanghelilor 30 oct - 6 nov 2011


Saptamana Arhanghelilor

30 octombrie - 6 noiembrie 2011

Ne propunem să compensam impactul malefic al Halloween-ului şi promovam organizarea în aceeaşi perioadă a Săptămânii Îngerilor, manifestare spirituală care se derulează simultan în mai multe oraşe din ţară şi din străinătate. Prin această iniţiativă unică la nivel planetar, mii de oameni apelează la unison graţia şi susţinerea lumii îngerilor. Astfel că fiecare dintre noi avem de ales: teroarea demonilor sau binecuvântarea paradisului. Ambele ne sunt la îndemână, alegerea e a noastră!

Vor avea loc expozitii de pictura cu tema "Lumea ingerilor", conferinte cu invitati care vor vorbi de angeologia crestina, teatru de papusi pentru copii, teatru initiatic pentru cei mari, concerte de muzica inspirata de ingeri, filme documentare despre ingeri.

Saptamana ingerilor are deja o traditie de 8 ani si acesta este al doilea an in care evenimentul poarta denumirea de Saptamana Arhanghelilor, deoarece vom celebra Arhanghelii.

Luni, 31 octombrie 2011, ora 18:30, la Sala Palatului, Teatrul ANIMA MUNDI prezinta spectacolul DARUL ARHANGHELILOR.

Traieste experienta intensa a lumilor angelice. Paradisul se afla deja inauntrul tau, exploreaza-l. Calauzele tale sunt arhanghelii.
Ei sunt sansa ta.
Aventura comuniunii cu ingerii de lumina devine realitate.
Pentru o lume noua, e nevoie de un nou inceput.

30 octombrie - 6 noiembrie 2011, Bucuresti

Simpozionul cultural-artistic "SĂPTĂMÂNA ÎNGERILOR" (30 octombrie-6 noiembrie) se va desfăşura la PALATUL NAŢIONAL AL COPIILOR, din Bulevardul Tineretului, nr. 8-10, sector 4, Bucureşti.

Principalele manifestări ale simpozionului sunt următoarele:

Duminica - 30 octombrie 2011

Începând cu ora 18:30 - Sala Mare
- Spectacol realizat cu ocazia deschiderii Simpozionului cultural-artistic "SĂPTĂMÂNA ARHANGHELILOR", susţinut de teatrul ANIMA MUNDI din Bucureşti
- Moment artistic cu tema: ARHANGHELUL METATRON

Luni - 31 octombrie 2011

Începând cu ora 18:30 - Sala Mică
- Moment artistic cu tema: ARHANGHELUL RAZIEL
- Vizionare film artistic

Marti - 1 noiembrie 2011

Începând cu ora 18:30 - Sala Mică
- Moment artistic cu tema: ARHANGHELUL JOFIEL
- Moment coregrafic "Magia Naturii" sustinut de baletul contemporan "Sundari"
- Vizionare film artistic

Miercuri - 2 noiembrie 2011

Începând cu ora 16:00 - Sala Mică
- Teatru de păpusi - Spectacolul "ÎN CĂUTAREA UNUI PRIETEN" (adaptare după "Micul Print", de Antoine de Saint Exupery)
- Festivitatea de premiere a câstigătorilor concursului de desen cu temă angelică
- Moment artistic cu tema: ARHANGHELUL ZADAKIEL

Joi - 3 noiembrie 2011

Începând cu ora 18:30 - Sala Mică
- Moment artistic cu tema: ARHANGHELUL RAFAEL
- Invitat preot Mihai Oancea

Vineri - 4 noiembrie 2011

Începând cu ora 18:30 - Sala Mică
- Moment artistic cu tema: ARHANGHELUL URIEL
- Spectacolul "PASĂREA ALBASTRĂ" al absolventilor sectiei de păpusi si marionete a U.N.A.T.C. I.L. Caragiale Bucuresti (adaptare după piesa omonimă a lui Maeterlinck)

Sâmbata - 5 noiembrie 2011

Începând cu ora 18:30 - Sala Mica
- Moment artistic cu tema: ARHANGHELUL SANDALFON
- Vizionare film artistic
- Moment artistic sustinut de grupul psaltic "Sfântul Nicolae" al Paraclisului Universitar.

Duminica - 6 noiembrie 2011

Începând cu ora 18:30 - Sala Mare
- Moment artistic cu tema: ARHANGHELUL RAGUEL
- Spectacol realizat cu ocazia închiderii Simpozionului cultural-artistic "SĂPTĂMÂNA ARHANGHELILOR", susţinut de Teatrul ANIMA MUNDI din Bucureşti

vineri, 21 octombrie 2011

23 Oct 2011 emisiune radio online - Respiratia constienta

Romana English

Duminica, 23 Octombrie la ora 18.00 voi sustine prima emisiune audio online. Va astept cu drag! Detalii mai jos pe pagina.

Un workshop plin de surprize si daruri inainte de Craciun! Amanunte mai jos pe pagina.

Cum sa gestionam simptomele specifice trezirii spirituale si cum le putem folosi pentru a ne ajuta pe calea pe care am ales-o?” Aceasta tema am abordat-o impreuna cu d-na Silvia Marin in emisiunea sustinuta pe Awakening Zone. Puteti asculta inregistrarea aici.

Acum puteti cumpara online produsele oferite de Crimson Circle direct din sectiunea Magazin! Tot aici gasiti detalii despre unele produse, precum si cateva recomandari personale.




Life in a Conscious Breath

Viata intr-o Respiratie Constienta

Emisiune audio online

23 Octombrie, ora 18.00

Am ales sa creez aceasta emisiune pe baza experientei personale dobandite in procesul de trezire spirituala si revenire la Eu Sunt. Pe parcursul emisiunii voi impartasi din experienta mea, experienta care poate servi drept sprijin si indrumare, sau poate fi o sursa de inspiratie pentru cei care se trezesc si incep sa-si simta Divinitatea dinlauntru.

Tema principala a emisiunii va fi Respiratia Constienta, deoarece aceasta misca si transforma energiile care in cele din urma creeaza realitatea fiecarui individ. Va astept online in aceasta noua aventura!

Pentru a asculta in direct aceasta emisiune ve rog accesati acest link.

“Sans Definition”


“Workshop fara Titlu”

10 - 11 Decembrie, 2011


Un workshop fara o tema prestabilita in cadrul caruia vom respira impreuna intr-un spatiu sigur si ne vom lasa ghidati de energiile momentului. Plin de surprize, acest workshop este darul potrivit pe care vi-l puteti oferi inainte de intrarea in 2012. Va asteptam!

Locatia: Bucuresti. Locatia exacta va fi anuntata in curand

Program: 10:00 – 17:00

Pret: 400 RON (Plata se face in numerar sau prin virament bancar).

Inscriere: Inscrierile se fac telefonic sau prin e-mail pana la data de 3 Decembrie, 2011.

Nr. minim de participanti: 5 (cinci) persoane

Pentru informatii suplimentare va rugam sa ne contactati aici.


Tobias’ Sexual Energies School

Explicarea si intelegerea abuzului fizic si psihic

13 – 15 Ianuarie, 2012


Prezentat de Lucieta Gavril si Andrei Tarta-Arsene

Acest workshop este perceput ca una dintre cele mai intense si transformatoare experiente oferite de Crimson Circle si reprezinta baza de pornire pentru oricine alege sa descopere ce se afla in spatele acestei iluzii pe care o numim realitate.

Cursul dureaza trei zile si include sase transmisiuni oferite de Tobias prin Geoffrey Hoppe (inregistrate pe DVD, cu subtitrare in limba romana) precum si activitati practice conduse de instructorii certificati. In acest workshop Tobias vorbeste despre abuzul fizic, psihologic, psihic si sexual, despre manipularea energetica (furtul de energie).

Acest proces al furtului de energie este comparat cu activitatea unui virus (in acest caz, virusul energiei sexuale) care ne afecteaza pe toti in egala masura. Cheia vindecarii acestui virus consta in echilibrarea propriilor energii feminine si masculine precum si intr-o profunda iubire de Sine.

Pe parcursul acestui workshop veti afla istoria spirituala a aparitiei acestui virus, cum se manifesta acesta in viata voastra de zi cu zi si cum energiile abuzului sunt folosite pentru a controla, a manipula si a inrobi. Cursul va ofera si instrumente pentru re-echilibrarea energiilor si va ajuta sa incepeti procesul de eliberare al acestui virus energetic din viata voastra.

Acest curs este foarte util:

- Celor care au suferit un abuz de orice natura (fizic, psihic sau sexual);

- Celor care doresc sa incheie acest ciclu al abuzului in viata lor;

- Celor care doresc echilibrarea energiilor personale;

- Facilitatorilor care lucreaza cu cazuri de abuz;

- Tuturor celor care doresc sa inteleaga dinamica energiei relatiilor inter-personale dintr-o perspectiva a Noii Energii.

Nota: Persoanele care se afla sub tratament medicamentos pentru afectiuni psihice sau psihiatrice nu pot participa la acest curs.

Program workshop:

Vineri 13 Ianuarie, 2012 09:30 - 10:00 – inregistrarea participantilor

Vineri 13 Ianuarie, 2012 10:00 - 16:00

Sambata 14 Ianuarie, 2012 10:00 - 16:00

Dumninica 15 Ianuarie, 2012 10:00 - 16:00

Locatia: Bucuresti. Locatia exacta va fi anuntata in curand.

Cost: 495 USD de persoana (pretul nu include cazarea, masa si transportul).

Nota: Cei care au participat deja la acest curs si doresc sa-l repete beneficiaza de o reducere de 50% si sunt rugati sa ne contacteze inainte de a se inscrie.

Politica CCEC privind taxa de renuntare:

*Taxa de renuntare, cu 72 de ore inainte de eveniment, este de 25% (taxa de renuntare nu se aplica daca acceptati un certificat cadou)

*Taxa de renuntare, in mai putin de 72 de ore de eveniment, este de 50% (taxa este de 25% daca optati pentru forma de certificat cadou)


Inregistrarea si plata se fac on-line direct la Crimson Circle accesand acest link.

Pentru informatii suplimentare va rugam sa ne contactati aici.

Adamus Saint-Germain’s


27 - 29 Ianuarie, 2012


Prezentat de Lucieta Gavril

Cu totii murim. Si totusi, “moarte” este un cuvant pe care multi se feresc sa-l pronunte si care induce intotdeauna multa teama si durere in inimi. Ca urmare, urmatoarele intrebari au preocupat neincetat omenirea inca de la inceputuri: “Ce se intampla dupa ce murim? Exista Viata dupa Moarte?”

Raspunsul la aceaste intrebari precum si multe alte informatii despre procesul de tranzitie in Lumea de Dincolo, sunt oferite de Adamus Saint Germain pe parcursul celor sase sesiuni de transmisiuni din cadrul “Dreamwalker Death Transition School” (inregistrate pe DVD, cu subtitrare in limba romana).

In cadrul celor trei zile ale cursului sunt dezbatute etapele acestui proces de tranzitie precum si diverse situatii si experiente cu care se poate confrunta cel care paraseste Pamantul si pleaca in acesta calatorie plina de neprevazut. Tranzitia poate fi uneori dificila si plina de provocari.

Scoala ofera studentilor oportunitatea de a deveni facilitator DreamWalker Death (Ghid in Lumea de Dincolo). Un DreamWalker are rolul de a conferi un sentiment de siguranta si echilibru celui care tranzitioneaza, de a fi ghid si punct de sprijin in aceasta ultima calatorie.

In cadrul acestei scoli, studentii invata cum sa isi ajute clientul sa se elibereze cu blandete de corpul fizic, pentru ca apoi, in deplina siguranta si plin de bucurie, sa isi pastreze energia in taramurile non-fizice ale Pamantului pe toata durata funeraliilor si a tranzitiei. In cele din urma, un DreamWalker isi va conduce clientul catre Podul de Flori (ultima destinatie a unui suflet, adevarata sa casa angelica) de unde ingerii il vor calauzi spre ultima parte a calatoriei.

Cursul include experienta reala a unei astfel de calatorii (DreamWalking) sub atenta supraveghere a fiintelor angelice si ofera asistenta si certificare pentru a deveni Facilitator DreamWalker Death.

Va invit sa descoperim impreuna frumusetea tranzitiei in Lumea de Dincolo!

Mai multe detalii despre acest curs puteti citi aici.

Nota: Persoanele care se afla sub tratament medicamentos pentru afectiuni psihice sau psihiatrice nu pot participa la acest curs.

Program Workshop:

Vineri 27 Ianuarie, 2012 09:30 - 10:00 (inregistrarea participantilor)

Vineri 27 Ianuarie, 2012 10:00 - 16:00

Sambata 28 Ianuarie, 2012 10:00 - 16:00

Duminica 29 Ianuarie, 2012 10:00 - 16:00

Locatia: Bucuresti. Locatia exacta va fi anuntata in curand.

Cost: 495 USD de persoana (pretul nu include cazarea, masa si transportul).

Nota: Cei care au participat deja la acest curs si doresc sa-l repete beneficiaza de o reducere de 50% si sunt rugati sa ne contacteze inainte de a se inscrie.

Nota: Politica CCEC privind taxa de renuntare:

*Taxa de renuntare, cu 72 de ore inainte de eveniment, este de 25% (taxa de renuntare nu se aplica daca acceptati un certificat cadou)

*Taxa de renuntare, in mai putin de 72 de ore de eveniment, este de 50% (taxa este de 25% daca optati pentru forma de certificat cadou)


Inregistrarea si plata se fac on-line direct la Crimson Circle accesand acest link.

Pentru informatii suplimentare va rugam sa ne contactati aici.


Mentor Teacher Program

Cursuri Teacher Training

Daca doresti sa devii profesor certificat de SES si /sau DWD, acum este timpul pentru training!

Pentru a putea participa la Teacher Training trebuie sa fii absolvent al acestor scoli. Cursurile se vor desfasura in limba romana si/sau engleza.

Calendarul programului de training si detalii privind conditii de admitere si certificare. - clasamente si statistici pentru site-urile romanesti

Congresul Schimbari planetare Omenirea la rascruce

Postat de: Valentin Mihai | 28 septembrie 2011

Congresul Schimbări planetare Omenirea la răscruce

Congresul Schimbări planetare Omenirea la răscruce va avea loc în 29-30 octombrie 2011.

Locaţia: Cercul Militar Naţional (Casa Centrală a Armatei), b-dul Regina Elisabeta nr. 21, Bucureşti, sala de spectacole.

Dintre invitaţii care şi-au confirmat participarea până în acest moment cităm:

G-ral Prof Univ Dr Mircea Chelaru – Continuitate şi salt în căutarea noii identităţi

G-ral Dr. ing. Emil Străinu – Ştiinţa la frontiera cunoaşterii

G-ral Prof Univ Dr Dumitru Constantin Dulcan – Omenirea la răscruce

Dr. Aurelian Curin – Reiki Traditional Takata – o arta a vindecarii aproape uitata

Dr. ing. Ştefan Manea – Cânepa, planta viitorului

Cercetător Gabriel Gheorghe – Romania şi locul ei în istorie şi în lume

Contele Incappucciato – ADN-ul şi ascensiunea spirituală

Astrolog Minerva – Astrologia această eternă fascinaţie. Să trăim cu Neptun în Peşti

Dr. Gabriel Dutchevici – Tratamentele viitorului pentru nou-născuţi şi copiii mici

Ing. Raul Petrişor – Hermetism şi şamanism

Elena Paldaeva (Rusia) – Şamanismul siberian

Conf univ dr. Aurel Mircea Niţă, psihosociolog Georgeta Stoica - De la inteligenţa emoţională la inteligenţa spirituală

Adrian Florea, Mare Maestru Internaţional de Qigong - Explozii solare, polaritate magnetică, alinierea planetelor… murim, sau învăţăm să supravieţuim!

Preot Dr. Rene August Broscăreanu – Crucea Mântuitorului Hristos şi numele Domnului

Vasile Păun – Anghel – Tu eşti cel pe care îl aştepţi! Paşi în manifestarea României bunăstării.

Psih Florentina Mateescu – Codul binar al universului

Anne Marie Trifu şi Heim Raluca – Trezirea inimii şi activarea corpului de lumină Merkaba din inimă - atributele noii conştiinţe ale umanităţii

Aurora Sităruş – Relaţiile cu ceilalţi – Oglinzi comportamentale

Prof Dr Mircea Iovu – Droguri legale

Preţ bilet: 80 lei

Biletele se pot procura la Orfeu 2000, str. Lascăr Catargiu nr. 16, sector 1, Bucureşti (Zona Romană), tel 0213137300 sau se pot procura direct la sală.

Pelerinajul craniilor de cristal


By Cal Garrison

I first heard about the Crystal Skull journey back on the twenty-third of July. At the time I wasn't quite sure how it would all come together because so many variables, both logistical and ethereal, had to be taken into consideration. Since that day

many things have been arranged and rearranged. After several meetings, Hunbatz Men, Mayan Daykeeper and Elder Priest of the Mayan Itza Council, and Pedro Pablo Chuc Pech, President of the Mayan Council of Elders, have announced their plans to lead a group of Mayan Elders on a ceremonial pilgrimage that will carry the Thirteen Crystal Skulls from one coast of the United States to the other. The journey will begin in Manhattan on the 2

7th of October, 2011; it will culminate in Los Angeles on November 11th, 2011.

On 11:11:11, another group of thirteen Elders will arrive in LA from the Mayaland to come together in a Gateway Event that will be highlighted by the performance of the Mayan Crystal Skull Ceremony. The Elders, whose traditions have alw

ays been kept within their inner circle, have been instructed to perform all of their ceremonies in public from this point on; for this reason, the Ceremony of the Thirteen Crystal Skulls, a ceremony that was last performed 26,000 years ago, will be open to the general public.

Enroute from New York to Los Angeles the E

lders wi


stop at specific power points to fulfill a prophecy which states that the time has come to reawaken the Spirit of the North American Continent so that it can reclaim itself as the sacred ground in whose soil would be sown the seeds for the enlightenment of all mankind. At each stop along the way ceremonial gatherings will be held to open the ground and raise the ancient energies that will fuel the Gateway Event in Los Angeles on 11:11:11. All of these gatherings will be open to anyone who feels called to participate.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the significance of the Thirteen Crystal Skulls, these ancient relics are said to contain information about the history of our planet and the future of mankind. Carved out of pure quartz crystal, and other crystals such as jade, the Skulls generate an energy field that activates human consciousness in a way that expands our percep

tions of reality. Ultimately they are the manifestation of Spirit in a form that is now helping to shift the magnetic frequency of Mother Earth. When the Spirits of the Skulls are ceremonially awakened, ancient wisdom, wisdom that has been preserved in a crystalline matrix for eons, enters the unified field and fills the collective consciousness with all the knowledge of everything that has happened on the planet in the last 26,00

0 years, and perhaps beyond.

If it boggles the mind to consider the full import

of these events, the following message from Hunbatz M

en and the Mayan Elders will help you to put e

verything into perspective:


We are very glad to inform all of you initiates from all over the world that on October 27th, 2011, the pilgrimage journey in which we are going to take the sacred Crystal Skulls, is going to leave from Manhattan, New York, with destination to Los Ángeles, CA, in the United States.

All along the way we are going to invoke and implore the Great Cosmic Spirit to enlighten our pathway and the roads we are going to walk on carrying our sacred crystal skulls. This way the skulls will enlighten and activate all the sites where the Great Cosmic Spirit is going to be present. Thus, the sacred sites we are going to visit like Great Serpent Mound, OH; the temples of Cahokia, IL; Sedona, AZ; and many other sacred centers will be activated through this cosmic resonance. Tamuanchán (the original Mayan name for the USA) will be once again the sacred site that must enlighten the whole of mankind in this world.

Please help us make this journey of spiritual greatness so the sacred Crystal Skulls take us in these our beloved lands of our eternal Tamuanchán where our Father Sun and our Mother Earth will take care of our sacred spirit forever.

May the Great Spirit be always with you,

Hunbatz Men
Council of Maya Itza Priests and Elders

They say 'there's no such thing as too much of a good thing'; believe it or not, there is even more good news fueling this story. The "11:11:11 Crystal Skulls, World Mysteries, LA Gateway Event", along with all of the ceremonial gatherings that take place as the Elders travel across the United States, are just the beginning; they are a 'gateway' to a series of unprecedented live events that will bring the secrets of the ages to the attention of the entire world.

As it turns out, Unify Earth, the organization that is sponsored by the people who gave us 'Live Aid', ''We are the World', and other mega-events with a humanitarian purpose, has gotten behind Hunbatz Men, Pedro Pablo Chuc Pech, and the Mayan Council and they want to provide a vehicle for the Elders' message to be spread to every corner of the Earth. In collaboration with Cirque de Soleil, 'Google', NBC, Santana, Elevate Films, and others, all of the above have come together to sponsor a series of spectacular performances that will carry the seeds that are sown in the soon to be actualized Crystal Skull Ceremonies to hearts and minds all over the planet.

Throughout 2012, on the March 21st Spring Equinox, the June 21st Summer Solstice, and the September 21st, Autumn Equinox, Cirque de Soleil will present special performances with themes that embody the wisdom of the ancients, the secrets of the Great Shift of the Ages, and the connection between the mysteries of the heart and the awakening of human consciousness. At the heart of each performance will be the wish to open the mind and the heart of humanity to the Ascension process, and to the prospect of a beautiful future in a whole new world.

This series of blockbuster performances will culminate in a fourth mega-event that will broadcast live, from the Great Pyramid at Chichen Itza on the 2012 Winter Solstice. On that night Cirque de Soleil will take over the entire Chichen Itza Temple complex. The Chichen Itza Pyramid will be transformed into a stage, upon which the artists and performers of the Cirque de Soleil will work their incredible magic. Carlos Santana, the man who has been a clear channel for the Music of the Spheres for over fifty-years, will be the Master of Ceremonies for the main event. If that isn't enough, the Winter Solstice show will include an unprecedented, full regalia ceremony with the Mayan Elders. Yes, that's right folks; the Elders will be there too; they are coming down from the mountains to be part of this.

At 11:11 PM, on the night of the 2012 Winter Solstice spectacular, at the exact moment when our Sun and the Earth go into alignment with the center of the galaxy, the Elders, and the Cirque de Soleil performers will present a guided meditation that will unite over two-billion viewers in their hearts and open the space for all of humanity to embrace the unconditionally-loving light of the Divine Feminine. The time has come; the 'Quarantine' is about to be lifted. This event, and all of the ceremonies and performances leading up to it, are the manifestation of a dream, and of a rise in consciousness that will help us to remember who we really are and guide us out of the darkness into the Light.

For those of you who would like to participate in any of these events, please refer to the following itinerary and be sure to go to for more detailed information.


Oct 26 The Elders arrive in New York

Oct 27 New York Ceremony with the 13 Crystal Skulls

Oct 28 Leave New York to go to the Serpent Mound, OH.

Oct 29 Serpent Mound Ceremony with the 13 Crystal Skulls followed by a day of rest.

Oct 30 Leave the Serpent Mound to go to Cahokia, IL.

Oct 31 Cahokia Ceremony with the 13 Crystal Skulls and a day of rest.

Nov 1 Leave Cahokia to go to Hays, KS

Nov 2 Leave Hays to go to Crestone, CO

Nov 3 Crestone Ceremony with the 13 Crystal Skulls, and day of rest.

Nov 4 Leave Crestone to go to to Kaatsi, AZ.

Nov 5 Private Meeting in Kaatsi with Hopi and Tibetan monks including Rinpoche.

Nov 6 The Elders will spend more time with Hopis and Tibetan Bhakha Tulku Rinpoche after which they will drive to Sedona, AZ.

Nov 7 Sedona Ceremony with the 13 Crystal Skulls plus a public event.

Nov 8 The Elders will leave Sedona and drive to Los Angeles

Nov 9 Los Angeles will be a day of rest for some, and return home for others.

Nov 10 This is the day that another group of 13 elders arrive in Los Angeles from Merida

11:11:11 Gateway Ceremony with 13 Mayan Elders and the 13 Crystal Skulls at Crystal Skull Conference in Los Angeles

Nov 12 Crystal Skull Conference in Los Angeles with 13 Mayan Elders and Pilgrimage Participants present.

Nov 13 Host Gabriel Romero is sponsoring a one day seminar in which Mayan Day Keeper Hunbatz Men will impart his wisdom. The seminar will take place on Sunday, November 13, 2011. Please feel free to distribute this information to anyone who might be interested in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hear the real Maya talk about 2012 and the sacred Crystal Skulls.

You will find more information about the "11-11-11 Gateway Event" in Los Angeles and the one-day seminar with Hunbatz Men by clicking on the Calendar Listings at:

Or contact or Gabriel Romero at for more detailed information.

About Cal Garrison

Cal Garrison

Cal Garrison is a practicing astrologer with 40 years of experience. At present she goes between casting horoscopes, writing books, and working as the personal assistant to Drunvalo and Claudette Melchizedek. Editor in Chief at Drunvalo's online magazine, 'The Spirit of Ma'at', Cal is also a syndicated columnist for the Associated Press. An author with five books to her credit, and another one on the way, Ms. Garrison is well known for her affiliation with the late Slim Spurling. Out of love for her mentor she continues to support his research with her dowsing, through her articles, and as the spokesperson for Slim's tools at all of Drunvalo's workshops. A single mother with three grown daughters, Cal lives happily in the Red Rocks of Sedona, Arizona. She can be reached at:

Latest articles by Cal Garrison in Spirit of Maat:



September, 2011: Chicken Little's Comet-Ose Revelations

June, 2011: How many miles to Avalon?

April, 2011: TRUTH AND LIES

July, 2010: Still Crazy After All These Years?





Valley Retreat Center,

Sedona, Arizona, USA

November 07-07,2011.

Angel Valley Retreat Center,
Sedona, Arizona, USA
November 07-07,2011.

Drunvalo Melchizedek, and Hunbatz Men, an Elder Priest of the Mayan Itza council extend this invitation to join together with them the Crystal Skull Guardians, and Lion Fire in a ceremony with the Thirteen Crystal Skulls, that is scheduled to take place at the Angel Valley Retreat Center in Sedona, Arizona on November 7th, 2011.

As we approach ‘The Time of No Time’, Hunbatz Men of the Mayan Itza Council, and several Skull Guardians are getting ready to carry Thirteen Crystal Skulls on a ceremonial pilgrimage across the United States. This journey fulfills a prophecy which states that the time has come for the Spirit of the North American Continent to reclaim itself as the sacred site for the awakening and enlightenment of all mankind. It will begin in New York City on October 27th. - it will culminate in Los Angeles California on November 9th at which time the Elders will have two days to prepare for the final Skull Ceremony in LA on 11:11:11. (

After the initial gathering in Manhattan, Hunbatz Men and thirteen Crystal Skull Guardians, plan to head west, stopping at sacred power points along the way to perform ceremonies that will seed each vortex with the ancient wisdom of the Crystal Skulls. Once they make their way to Arizona, there will be an historic meeting with the Hopi and Tibetan Elders at the Hopi Mesa. From there, Hunbatz and the Skull Guardians plan to head south to Sedona, Arizona to prepare for a Crystal Skull Ceremony to be held in the heart of the Red Rocks, on the land that for the Indigenous Tribes People has always been Sacred Ground.

This momentous event on November 7th in Sedona, is one which Drunvalo and his staff are honored to support and be part of. Because the Elders have been instructed to conduct all of their ceremonies in public from this point on, the Sedona Crystal Skull Ceremony will be open to the public. The Day will begin with a ceremony at dawn (7:00 a.m.) followed by a lecture on the Mayan Calendar(s) with Hunbatz Men. Lion Fire will be conducting the afternoon activities with a lecture on several new discoveries, talks with the Skull keepers and ending with a SkullFire Celebration during the evening led by LionFire, Amalia Camateros and Three Trees. Daily and Half Day tickets are available with a few spaces left for accommodations at Angel Valley.

Ancient Skulls in Attendance: Ancient Tibetan skull Nagaku and its brother skull Kin Batz, an ancient Skull from Peru - plus Tuku, a 5,000 year old Mongolian Skull, Tzo'La, a 2500 year old Mongolian Skull, and "The Professor" also from Mongolia. Other skulls will be in attendance that are held by the Skull Guardians. You may bring your own skull for a blessing by Hunbatz Men.

For Registration, Timings of the Day plus the Skull Route from NY to CA, and other information, please go to ...

Calendarul mayas - Ziua 7

Mayan Majix - Announcements

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October 16 , 2011

1 - Star (Lamat)

Day 7 of the Universal Cycle - view detailed chart or view 9 Step Creation Cycles Chart for general info.

Time period



Step in process

Day 1

Mar 9 – Mar 26

Mar 17-18


Night 1

Mar 27 –April 13

April 4-5

Day 2

April 14 – May 1

April 22-23


Night 2

May 2 – May 19

May 10-11


Day 3

May 20 – June 6

May 28-29


Night 3

June 7 – June 24

June 15-16

Day 4

June 25 – July 12

July 3-4

Leaf formation

Night 4

July 13 – July 30

July 21-22

Day 5

July 31 – Aug 17

Aug 8-9


Night 5

Aug 18 – Sept 4

Aug 26-27


Day 6

Sept 5 – Sept 22

Sept 13-14


Night 6

Sept 23 – Oct 10

Oct 1-2

> Day 7 <

Oct 11 – Oct 28

Oct 19-20


Tzolkin Count of Days

Tzolkin Trecena Notes –1 Lamat (Rabbit)

Day 248 of the 260 Day Tzolkin (13 Kin Remaining)
Last Trecena of the 260 day Tzolkin

Gregorian Date: October 16, 2011

Year Bearer: 12 Eb

Trecenas are thirteen-day periods in the Tzolkin. Each Trecena starts with the Number 1, but with a different Day Glyph. As a wave of the Thirteen Heavens, the underlying energy is governed by the First Day Glyph of the Trecena and influences all thirteen successive Day Glyphs. Being aware of the predominant energy of the First Day of the Trecena, we can align our intentions with that energy and allow our goals to manifest.

This Trecena starts with 1 Lamat (Rabbit/Star/Venus) – Abundant, Energetic, Artistic, Playful, Humorous, Clever, Balancing Physical Pleasures and Spiritual Divinity.

The Maya word “lamat” is associated with abundance, ripeness, fertility and growth. The glyph itself is the Mayan symbol for the planet Venus. The Maya linked the cycle of the planet Venus with death and rebirth (Venus appears as the Evening Star, disappears, then reappears as the Morning Star), and with the spirit of growth and vitality.

Flint (Etznab)

© 2006 Judith Ann Griffith

“This glyph represents the hole made in the ground with a tixjob’ – the stick used to dig in the soil so the seed can be planted – as well as the four seeds that represent the four colors of corn: red, black, white and yellow.” Carlos Barrios The Book of Destiny.

Wild drunkenness was also associated with this day-sign. The rabbit was often portrayed as a cheerful drunk and companion of Mayahuel, the goddess of drinking. Kenneth Johnson in Jaguar Wisdom says: “Mayahuel, it is said, was a virgin goddess under the protection of the celestial monster or Sky Serpent. Quetzalcoatl, in his cosmic form as the god of the wind, stole her from her guardian and fled with her to earth. He became one with her, and the two of them were transformed into a great tree with two branches: a male branch to represent Quetzalcoatl, and a female branch to represent Mayahuel. The Sky Serpent, angered, came with his celestial helpers and attacked the tree that held the spirit of his former ward. The female branch was torn to pieces: Mayahuel was dead. In sorrow, Quetzalcoatl returned to his customary form and buried the bones of the virgin goddess. From her grave sprouted the agave or maguey plant from which the liquor known as pulque is brewed.” This is a common Native American myth – the goddess who dies, is buried and returns in the form of plants growing (most often, “corn”).

In the best known legends, Quetzalcoatl is portrayed as a fallen spiritual leader who dies in flames and is reborn as the planet Venus, thus also symbolizing the continual process of death and rebirth.

Another representation of the Trecena is that of a creative wave beginning at 1 and ending at 13, with the numbers 6, 7 and 8 representing the crest of the wave. The crest could be interpreted as a strong influential energy, although the underlying influence on the Trecena would still rest in the beginning. In this Trecena, the crest falls on 6 Ben (Reed/Corn), 7 Ix (Jaguar), and 8 Men (Eagle). The energy of Reed focuses attention on our connection to earth and heaven. Jaguar, the primal jungle energy, carries our spirit through the underworld in our dreams. Eagle energy flies our spirit up to the heavens, gifting us with the vision of our heart’s true desire.

As we journey through each day of this Trecena:

Trecena Count
Gregorian Date
Ninth Wave Count
1 Lamat (Rabbit/Venus)
October 16, 2011
6 – 7th Day
2 Muluc (Water/Offering)
October 17
3 Oc (Dog)
October 18
4 Chuen (Monkey)
October 19
5 Eb (Road)
October 20
6 Ben (Reed/Corn)
October 21
7 Ix (Jaguar)
October 22
8 Men (Eagle)
October 23
9 Cib (Vulture/Owl)
October 24
10 Caban (Earth)
October 25
11 Etznab (Flint)
October 26
12 Cauac (Storm)
October 27
13 Ahau (Sun/Light Lord)
October 28

As we come to the end of the Ninth Wave, utilize the energy of Rabbit to create a new balance between our physical being and our spiritual divinity, and in the process, birth/manifest a new reality, the eternal present moment.

In remembrance of Ian Xel Lungold who passed away on November 16, 2005 – 12 Lamat (Rabbit/Star):

Ian Xel Lungold

You Want to Know What to Have Reverence For?

First have reverence for yourself and the Star that you are
You are here in the physical, meeting all the challenges and changes

Then, have reverence for your Sun
From which all the earth was formed and the spark of life was born
Do not bow, sing, but dance and run in the sun

The relation shall be in your view, equal in creation
The Sun loves our Mother Earth and allows life
He alone tells the wind where to blow and how hard or soft
against your cheek

We are here to love the Mother Earth by being life
And to share the appreciation of your Sun’s gifts
You reflect the gifts back to the Sun, your son.
Revere the Star that you are...

In Service,
Ian Xel Lungold
October 29, 2003


In Lak’ech (I am another you),
William and Viola
©2007 William and Viola Welsch