joi, 23 mai 2013

25 mai 2013 Meditatie globala - Deschidere Portal

Invitatie pentru meditatie in ziua de 25 05 2013 ora 22:10, ora Romaniei (luna plina + eclipsa)

joi, 9 mai 2013

Crystal Stargate on Wesak Moon - May 24-26 2013 (James Tyberonn)

Crystal Stargate on Wesak Moon - May 24-26 2013

with Optional Pilgrimage on Day 4 - Scottsdale (Gateway to Sedona) Arizona

The timing is carefully selected, it is the Crystalline Star-Gate Eclipse .... an Astonishingly Potent Event !!!
According to Metatron the May 2013 'Crystal -Stargate' of the
WESAK Full-Moon Lunar Eclipse is the most Powerful 'Coded' Portal of 2013.

 We have made extraordinary efforts & tedious special arrangements for some of the most powerful 'mobile' Quartz Crystals on the Planet, to be brought to this Gathering and arranged in a grid alignment for this event. Some of these Crystal Beings are over 2 meters (6.5 ') in height and weigh over 4000 pounds (2 tons) .
Truly an Astonishing Energy !!! Come sense,  feel and be within this amazing collation of enormous Angelic Energy Crystals in this amazing timing & location of the Wesak Full Moon Eclipse.
This is a never before and perhaps never again collation of such mega Crystals. The logistics of transporting these Beings and the unique geometric grid alignment assembling requires special transport trucking and forklift. It has never before been done...Don't miss this opportunity.
The Crystal energy will create an amazing Crystalline Portal within an Amazing Mega Astro Portal

Excerpt from Metatron Channel 

" In 2013 there is a unique and powerful Triad of Eclipses that are incredibly charged. This is an opening in which the "Guardians of Earth' will be present, particularly so on the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of May 25. It is termed the WESAK by Buddhists. From the apexial window of May 22 - May 28 the Sedona Vortex will be particularly embellished, and it is an incredibly potent time to pilgrimage to Sedona for Gatherings in Prayer, in Ceremony and Meditation.

 Dear Ones, the most potent energy of 2013 is not the equinox or solstice, rather the Full Moon Eclipse of Wesak. The lunar eclipse on the full moon will have an extraordinary effect. The Full Moon Eclipse will bring in the presence of the Angelic Realm, the Ascended Masters, the Avatars of Christos and Lord Buddha. Obstacles can be faced and released, prayers will be manifested as given in highest good. Ganesh is present. Clarify is enhanced, the veil will be thin. And we tell you the extended window of the astonishing WESALK Eclipse Portal will be open for 7 days , not just the apexial point of the eclipse. The aperture is May 22 - May 28. No place is more appropriate for Gathering than the Crucible Purification Energy Resonance that is offered in the Vortexial Window of Arizona. Gather in groups, mediate in solitude, make time for both. It is an utterly astonishing energy. It is why we have directed the channel for the timing and svector of the Gathering"

Source: newsletter from James Tyberonn (Channel Metatron)

joi, 2 mai 2013

Paste fericit