sâmbătă, 12 ianuarie 2013
luni, 7 ianuarie 2013
TOM KENYON vine la Viena pe data de 20 aprilie 2013
Dragii mei, asa cum ne-a obisnuit deja, TOM KENYON (Hathor) vine la Viena pe data de 20 aprilie 2013.
Detalii gasiti aici http://www.prana.at/igatex.dtx?portal=prana2&content=kenyon_eng
Tema seminarului este The Fulcrum Point (fulcrum point fiind zona de presiune intre forte opuse - punctul de sprijin pentru o parghie). Pe masura ce Pamantul intra intr-un ritm accelerat de modificari globale, aceste puncte de sprijin din viata noastra devin tot mai intense. In acest seminar Hathor, unic, de o zi, vom lucra cu propriile noastre puncte de sprijin, din perspectiva faptului ca ele sunt agenti de evolutie, atat pentru schimbarea personala, cat si colectiva.
Pretul este, ca si in anii trecuti, 180 euro
Va rog sa va anuntati intentia de a participa, trimitandu-mi un mail cu numele intreg si adresa de mail, in caz ca este alta decat cea de pe care imi scrieti. Plata se face acolo. Eu doar va inscriu, ca sa se stie cate persoane vin din Romania si sa li se rezerve scaune in cadrul locurilor disponibile din sala. (anul trecut, cu cateva zile inainte de seminar, nu mai erau locuri, de exemplu).
Burgi (doamna care organizeaza) este in muntii Nepalului, astfel incat ar fi de preferat sa-mi scrieti mie si nu ei, intrucat ii este greu cu internetul. Lista pe care o fac eu este onorata de Burgi.
duminică, 6 ianuarie 2013
Evenimente astronomice in 2013 (James Tyberonn)
March 20 2013 11:02 GMT
September 22 2013 20:44 GMT
June 21 2013 05:04 GMT
December 21 2013 17:11 GMT
- Lunar & Solar Eclipses in 2013 -
Lunar Eclipse Apr 25 2013 at 05° Scorpio 46'
Solar Eclipse May 10 2013 at 19° Taurus 31'
Lunar Eclipse May 25 2013 at 04° Sagittarius 07'
Lunar Eclipse Oct 18 2013 at 25° Aries 46'
Solar Eclipse Nov 03 2013 at 11° Scorpio 16'
2013 Planetary Retrogrades
Jupiter turns direct on 30 Jan 2013
Saturn turns retrograde on 18 Feb 2013
Mercury turns retrograde on 23 Feb 2013
Mercury turns direct on 17 Mar 2013
Pluto turns retrograde on 12 Apr 2013
Neptune turns retrograde on 7 Jun 2013
Mercury turns retrograde on 26 Jun 2013
Saturn turns direct on 8 Jul 2013
Uranus turns retrograde on 17 Jul 2013
Mercury turns direct on 20 Jul 2013
Pluto turns direct on 20 Sep 2013
Mercury turns retrograde on 21 Oct 2013
Jupiter turns retrograde on 7 Nov 2013
Mercury turns direct on 10 Nov 2013
Neptune turns direct on 13 Nov 2013
Uranus turns direct on 17 Dec 2013
Venus turns retrograde on 21 Dec 2013
Mercury turns retrograde on 23 Feb 2013
Mercury turns direct on 17 Mar 2013
Pluto turns retrograde on 12 Apr 2013
Neptune turns retrograde on 7 Jun 2013
Mercury turns retrograde on 26 Jun 2013
Saturn turns direct on 8 Jul 2013
Uranus turns retrograde on 17 Jul 2013
Mercury turns direct on 20 Jul 2013
Pluto turns direct on 20 Sep 2013
Mercury turns retrograde on 21 Oct 2013
Jupiter turns retrograde on 7 Nov 2013
Mercury turns direct on 10 Nov 2013
Neptune turns direct on 13 Nov 2013
Uranus turns direct on 17 Dec 2013
Venus turns retrograde on 21 Dec 2013
2013 Power Dates - Comprehesive Astrological Events
January 3, 4 - Quadrantids Meteor
Shower. The Quadrantids are an above average shower, with up to 40 meteors
per hour at their peak. The shower usually peaks on January 3 & 4, but some
meteors can be visible from January 1 - 5. The near last quarter moon will hide
many of the fainter meteors with its glare. Best viewing will be from a dark
location after midnight. Look for meteors radiating from the constellation
January 11 - New Moon. The Moon will be
directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This
phase occurs at 19:44 UTC.
January 27 - Full Moon. The Moon will be
directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen
from Earth. This phase occurs at 04:38 UTC.
February 10 - New Moon. The Moon will be
directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This
phase occurs at 07:20 UTC.
February 25 - Full Moon. The Moon will be
directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen
from Earth. This phase occurs at 20:26 UTC.
March 11 - New Moon. The Moon will be
directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This
phase occurs at 19:51 UTC.
March 20 - March Equinox. The March equinox
occurs at 11:02 UTC. The Sun will shine directly on the equator and there will
be nearly equal amounts of day and night throughout the world. This is also the
first day of spring (vernal equinox) in the northern hemisphere and the first
day of fall (autumnal equinox) in the southern hemisphere.
March 27 - Full Moon. The Moon will be
directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen
from Earth. This phase occurs at 09:27 UTC.
April 10 - New Moon. The Moon will be
directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This
phase occurs at 09:35 UTC.
April 21, 22 - Lyrids Meteor Shower. The
Lyrids are an average shower, usually producing about 20 meteors per hour at
their peak. These meteors can produce bright dust trails that last for several
seconds. The shower usually peaks on April 21 & 22, although some meteors
can be visible from April 16 - 25. The gibbous moon could be a problem this
year, hiding many of the fainter meteors in its glare. It will set before
sunrise, providing a short window of dark skies. Look for meteors radiating
from the constellation of Lyra after midnight.
April 25 - Full Moon. The Moon will be
directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen
from Earth. This phase occurs at 19:57 UTC.
April 25 - Partial Lunar Eclipse. The eclipse
will be visible throughout most of Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia.
April 28 - Saturn at Opposition. The ringed
planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be fully
illuminated by the Sun. This is the best time to view and photograph Saturn and
its moons.
May 5, 6 - Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower. The
Eta Aquarids are a light shower, usually producing about 10 meteors per hour at
their peak. The shower's peak usually occurs on May 5 & 6, however viewing
should be good on any morning from May 4 - 7. The crescent moon will hang
around for the show, but should not cause too many problems. The radiant point
for this shower will be in the constellation Aquarius. Best viewing is usually
to the east after midnight, far from city lights.
May 10 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly
between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase
occurs at 00:28 UTC.
May 10 - Annular Solar Eclipse. The path of
annularity will begin in western Australia and move east across the central
Pacific Ocean.
May 25 - Wesak Full Moon. The Moon will be
directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen
from Earth. This phase occurs at 04:25 UTC. Wesak is the most holy of days in
Buddhism, the birthdate of Lord Buddha & considered the time in which the
guardians of Earth communicate with humanity and offer enlightement.
May 25 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. The May 25
WESAK full moon eclipse is extremely potent, occuring at the apexial
completion point of the 2013 Lunar-Solar-Lunar Eclipse Triad. The lunar
eclipse will be visible throughout most of North America, South America,
western Europe, and western Africa.
May 28 - Conjunction of Venus and
Jupiter. The two bright planets will be within 1 degree of each other in
the evening sky. The planet Mercury will also will also be visible nearby. Look
to the west near sunset.
June 8 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly
between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase
occurs at 15:56 UTC.
June 21 - June Solstice. The June solstice
occurs at 05:04 UTC. The North Pole of the earth will be tilted toward the Sun,
which will have reached its northernmost position in the sky and will be
directly over the Tropic of Cancer at 23.44 degrees north latitude. This is the
first day of summer (summer solstice) in the northern hemisphere and the first
day of winter (winter solstice) in the southern hemisphere.
June 8 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly
between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase
occurs at 15:56 UTC.
June 23 - Full Moon. The Moon will be
directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen
from Earth. This phase occurs at 11:32 UTC.
July 8 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly
between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase
occurs at 07:14 UTC.
July 22 - Full Moon. The Moon will be
directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen
from Earth. This phase occurs at 18:15 UTC.
July 28, 29 - Southern Delta Aquarids Meteor
Shower. The Delta Aquarids can produce about 20 meteors per hour at their
peak. The shower usually peaks on July 28 & 29, but some meteors can also
be seen from July 18 - August 18. The radiant point for this shower
will be in the constellation Aquarius. The last quarter moon will be around for
the show and may hide some of the fainter meteors. Best viewing is usually to
the east after midnight.
August 6 - New Moon. The Moon will be
directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This
phase occurs at 21:51 UTC.
August 12, 13 - Perseids Meteor Shower. The
Perseids is one of the best meteor showers to observe, producing up to 60
meteors per hour at their peak. The shower's peak usually occurs on August 13
& 14, but you may be able to see some meteors any time from July 23 -
August 22. The radiant point for this shower will be in the constellation
Perseus. The near first quarter moon will set before midnight, leaving optimal
conditions and dark skies for what should be an awesome show. Find a location
far from city lights and look to the northeast after midnight.
August 21 - Full Moon. The Moon will be
directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen
from Earth. This phase occurs at 01:45 UTC.
August 27 - Neptune at Opposition. The blue
planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be fully
illuminated by the Sun. This is the best time to view Neptune. Due to its
distance, it will only appear as a tiny blue dot in all but the most powerful
September 5 - New Moon. The Moon will be
directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This
phase occurs at 11:36 UTC.
September 19 - Full Moon. The Moon will be
directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen
from Earth. This phase occurs at 11:13 UTC.
September 22 - September Equinox. The
September equinox occurs at 20:44 UTC. The Sun will shine directly on the
equator and there will be nearly equal amounts of day and night throughout the
world. This is also the first day of fall (autumnal equinox) in the northern
hemisphere and the first day of spring (vernal equinox) in the southern
October 3 - Uranus at Opposition. The
blue-green planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be
fully illuminated by the Sun. This is the best time to view Uranus. Due to its
distance, it will only appear as a tiny blue-green dot in all but the most
powerful telescopes.
October 5 - New Moon. The Moon will be
directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This
phase occurs at 00:34 UTC.
October 18 - Full Moon. The Moon will be
directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen
from Earth. This phase occurs at 23:38 UTC.
October 18 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. The
eclipse will be visible throughout most of the world except for Australia and
extreme eastern Siberia. (NASA Map and Eclipse Information)
October 21, 22 - Orionids Meteor Shower. The
Orionids is an average shower producing about 20 meteors per hour at their
peak. This shower usually peaks on the 21st, but it is highly irregular. A good
show could be experienced on any morning from October 20 - 24, and some meteors
may be seen any time from October 17 - 25. The gibbous moon will be a problem
this year, hiding all but the brightest meteors with its glare. Best viewing
will be to the east after midnight. Be sure to find a dark location far from
city lights.
November 3 - New Moon. The Moon will be
directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This
phase occurs at 12:50 UTC.
November 3 - Hybrid Solar Eclipse. The
eclipse path will begin in the Atlantic Ocean off the eastern coast of the
United States and move east across the Atlantic and across central Africa.
November 17 - Full Moon. The Moon will be
directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen
from Earth. This phase occurs at 15:16 UTC.
November 17, 18 - Leonids Meteor Shower. The
Leonids is one of the better meteor showers to observe, producing an average of
40 meteors per hour at their peak. The shower itself has a cyclic peak year
every 33 years where hundreds of meteors can be seen each hour. The last of
these occurred in 2001. The shower usually peaks on November 17 & 18, but
you may see some meteors from November 13 - 20. The full moon will prevent this
from being a great show this year, but with up to 40 meteors per hour possible,
this could still be a good show. Look for the shower radiating from the
constellation Leo after midnight.
December 3 - New Moon. The Moon will be
directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This
phase occurs at 00:22 UTC.
December 13, 15 - Geminids Meteor
Shower. Considered by many to be the best meteor shower in the heavens,
the Geminids are known for producing up to 60 multicolored meteors per hour at
their peak. The peak of the shower usually occurs around December 13 & 14,
although some meteors should be visible from December 6 - 19. The radiant
point for this shower will be in the constellation Gemini. The gibbous moon
could be a problem this year, hiding man of the fainter meteors. But with up to
60 meteors per hour predicted, this should still be a good show. Best viewing
is usually to the east after midnight from a dark location.
December 17 - Full Moon. The Moon will be
directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen
from Earth. This phase occurs at 09:28 UTC.
December 21 - December Solstice. The December
solstice occurs at 17:11 UTC. The South Pole of the earth will be tilted toward
the Sun, which will have reached its southernmost position in the sky and will
be directly over the Tropic of Capricorn at 23.44 degrees south latitude. This
is the first day of winter (winter solstice) in the northern hemisphere and the
first day of summer (summer solstice) in the southern hemisphere.
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