miercuri, 18 aprilie 2012

Erik Berglund la București

In prima zi a vizitei sale in București Erik Berglund a avut amabilitatea să participe la mai multe întâlniri, a ajutat mai mulți oameni. Cuvintele sale au adus lumină în sufletele noastre și ne-au convins că fiecare minut petrecut alături de el este un câștig spiritual de mare valoare. Odată cu scurgerea timpului, a venit și momentul mult-așteptat al întâlnirii lui Erik cu publicul. În cele trei zile magice, sala nou renovată din cadrul complexului Preoteasa a respirat la unison emoția vie a întâlnirii și pentru mulți a reîntâlnirii cu un mesager al dragostei, purității și al învățăturilor neprețuite pentru minte, inimă și suflet.

Erik a pregătit multe surprize reușind să dea pilde și explicații neașteptate unor fenomene de care ne lovim zilnic, să ridice întrebări acolo unde marea calmă a certitudinilor părea de neclintit, să ne cânte la harpă și din voce aducându-ne pacea în suflet și să mediteze alături de noi purtându-ne pe meleaguri de poveste.

Pentru a viziona filmele acestui seminar dati clic pe link




marți, 10 aprilie 2012

Paste Fericit

'A Mu'a: To Go Forward A Special 11:11 Event April 20, 2012 on Rapa Nui (Easter Island)

'A Mu'a: To Go Forward
A Special 11:11 Event
April 20, 2012 on Rapa Nui
(Easter Island)

To Our Beloved Anchor Groups of the 11:11 All over the world

It is with True Heart Love and much excitement that we announce to you all the upcoming ceremony 'A Mu'a on April 20th 2012 , Rapa Nui , Easter Island.

'A Mu'a is a Rapa Nui word meaning " To Go Forward ".

Our 'A Mu'a ceremony will be held during the Dark of the Moon, so we can plant the New Moon of April 21st with the seeds of Trueness. It is Important that everyone in your anchor group is completely aware of the purpose of this event. The purpose of 'A Mu'a ceremony is To Move Things Forward, and this is exactly what this ceremony will do.
*It is the launching pad that will propel us into our True lives,and True Purpose.
*It will unhook us from all the places within our beings that have gotten stuck.
*It will set us free from many of the duality based behaviors,doubts and fears that have held us back from fully being a True one living a True Life

*It will help us come together with our right people, right places and True

Our 11:11 'A Mu'a ceremony is not an 11:11 gate activation, it is an important clicking into position that is much needed before the activation
of the 11th and final gate of the 11:11 Doorway, which will take place later this year .

This ceremony is strongely connected to AN, and the manifestation of the Heart Of AN in the Physical. When you decide to become an 11:11 'A Mu'a anchor, please register your anchor group, this is important, so that you can be aligned consciously with all groups all around the world as One being in Action.

Since you are one of our Anchor group Coordinators,it would be a True Honour and Great Joy to work with you once again and to A Mu'A as One Being in Action. An Anchor group can be formed with as few as Two people.

The following links will give you more information about the ceremony, If you have questions we will happily answer them,you can send your mail either to us or to your anchor group country coordinator.

Rapa Nui 'A Mu'a Ceremony information


Rapa Nui 'A Mu'a Ceremony Anchor Group information


To register your Anchor Group


*We also recommend to do the 11:11 Mudras on that day, follow this link to see the newest videos about the Mudras from 1 to 10th Gate Mudra and also to the
Crystal Arrow Mudra which we will be using in 'A Mu'a Ceremony


Hope you will join us in this momentous and truely wonderful Ceremony,

Maria and the Anchor Group Team worldwide